About the Journal


Lesotho International Journal of Agricultural Sciences (LIJAS) is a double blind peer reviewed journal that publishes high quality original research work, short communications and book reviews. The journal is multidisciplinary; hence, it accepts manuscripts under the broad divisions of Animal Science, Crop Science, Soil Science, Environmental Sciences, Agroforestry, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Food Sciences, Consumer Science/ Home Science Management, and other related disciplines.


Manuscripts, which must be written only in ENGLISH, will be accepted only on the understanding that they have not been previously published elsewhere or are not being considered for publication elsewhere. Authors are to submit only ELECTRONIC copies through journal submissions page.  Peer reviewed manuscripts may be returned to authors for revision. Revised manuscripts should be returned to the editor-in-chief within two months. However, the LIJAS is not obliged to return manuscripts that are not accepted for publication. The journal publishes two issues in a year.